Manuscripts from 2006
GTAP-M: A GTAP Model and Data Base that Incorporates Domestic Margins, Everett Peterson
Manuscripts from 2005
GTAP-AGR : A Framework for Assessing the Implications of Multilateral Changes in Agricultural Policies , Roman Keeney and Thomas Hertel
Towards An Integrated Land Use Data Base for Assessing the Potential for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Huey-Lin Lee, Thomas Hertel, Brent Sohngen, and Navin Ramankutty
Manuscripts from 2004
Deriving a Global Social Accounting Matrix from GTAP Versions 5 and 6 Data, Scott McDonald and Karen Thierfelder
International Cross Section Estimates of Demand for Use in the GTAP Model, Jeffrey J. Reimer and Thomas W. Hertel
Manuscripts from 2003
GTAP-DD: A Model for Analyzing Trade Reforms in the Presence of Duty Drawbacks, Elena Ianchovichina
A New Regional Household Demand System for GTAP, Robert McDougall
Manuscripts from 2002
GTAP-E: An Energy-Environmental Version of the GTAP Model, Jean-Marc Burniaux and Truong P. Truong
Manuscripts from 2000
A General Welfare Decomposition for CGE Models, Kevin J. Hanslow
Decomposing Welfare Changes in the GTAP Model, Karen Huff and Thomas Hertel
Contributing Input-Output Tables to the GTAP Data Base, Karen Huff, Robert McDougall, and TERRIE L. WALMSLEY
Theoretical Structure of Dynamic GTAP, Elena Ianchovichina and Robert McDougall
Manuscripts from 1999
Endogenous International Technology Spillovers and Biased Technical Change in the GTAP Model, Hans van Meijl and Frank van Tongeren
Manuscripts from 1998
Scale Economies and Imperfect Competition in the GTAP Model, Joseph Francois
Disaggregating Labor Payments by Skill Level in GTAP, Jing Liu, Nico van Leeuwen, Tri Thanh Vo, Rod Tyers, and Thomas Hertel
Adjusting Tax Rates in the GTAP Data Base, Gerard Malcolm
Modeling Country Risk and Capital Flows in GTAP, Gerard Malcolm
Implementing Systematic Sensitivity Analysis Using GEMPACK, Kenneth R. Pearson and Channing Arndt
Long-Run Simulations With GTAP: Illustrative Results from APEC Trade Liberalisation, Terrie Walmsley
Manuscripts from 1996
An Introduction to Systematic Sensitivity Analysis via Gaussian Quadrature, Channing Arndt
Implementing Quotas in GTAP Using GEMPACK or How to Linearize an Inequality, Christian F. Bach and Ken Pearson
Liberalization and Capital Accumulation in the GTAP Model, Joseph Francois and Brad McDonald
Reconciling Bilateral Trade Data for Use in GTAP, Mark Gehlhar
Introducing Monopolistic Competition into the GTAP Model, Thomas Hertel and Padma Swaminathan