

Christy Wessel Powell

Christy Wessel Powell, Assistant Professor, Literacy and Language Education, Purdue University
Christy Wessel-Powell is an associate professor of literacy and language education at Purdue University's College of Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her research focuses on literacy and equity. She is a former K-2 classroom teacher.

Wonki Lee

Wonki Lee, Postdoctoral Researcher, Literacy and Language Education, Purdue University
Wonki is a post-doc researcher working in Purdue CIE (Center for Instructional Excellence). Her research interest is self-efficacy, diversity, and teacher education. She is the webmaster and designer of the current webpage. She is interested in culturally responsive pedagogy, structural equation modeling, and educational equity.

Rong Zhang

Rong Zhang, Research Assistant, Literacy and Language Education, Purdue University
Rong Zhang is a doctoral candidate in Literacy and Language Education at Purdue University. Her research interests include children's literature, bilingual education, and multimodal literacies. In specific, she works on diverse wordless picturebook reading, multimodal reader responses, and emergent bilingual families' home literacy practices.

Mengying Xue

Mengying Xue, Research Assistant, Literacy and Language Education, Purdue University
Mengying Xue is a doctoral candidate in Literacy and Language Education at Purdue University. Her research interests include the use of wordless picture books to promote critical reading and visual literacy. Alongside this, she is actively exploring the potential of picture books to create multicultural-friendly classrooms. Through her research, she aims to highlight how these resources can help children construct their self-identity and cultivate an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Editorial Board

Nicholas Husbye

Nicholas Husbye, Associate Processor, Elementary Literacy Education (K-6), University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nicholas E. Husbye is an associate professor of elementary literacy education, K-6, at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln’s College of Education and Human Sciences in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education. His research supports novice literacy educators in the classroom, building upon his experiences as an elementary classroom teacher.

Allison Segarra Hansen

Allison Segarra Hansen, Associate Processor, Klipsch Educators College, Marian University
Allison Segarra Hansen is an assistant professor of education in Klipsch Educators College at Marian University. Her passion and research agenda are centered around educational equity for all learners PK-20. Allison is a former elementary teacher, literacy specialist, and multilingual learning (formerly English learning) director.

Editorial Assistant

Xuwei Luo

Xuwei Luo, Doctoral Student, Curriculum Studies Education, Purdue University
Sara (Xuwei) Luo is a second year PhD student of curriculum studies at Purdue University's College of Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Her research focuses on teacher education, social justice and culturally responsive teaching. She is one of the team members of this website, responsible for the filming of read-aloud sessions, and also serves as an editor assistant for FOSR.


First Opinions, Second Reactions
Christy Wessel Powell, Editor
Purdue University
Beering Hall Room 4108
100 North University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098