
Sensations such as bitterness and astringency can limit the acceptance of many purportedly healthy foods. The purpose of this study was to investigate dose–response relationships of various astringent and bitter stimuli in a beverage, and to simultaneously gain additional methodological insight for the effects of wording, repeated tasting, and beverage matrix on these sensations. Untrained participants were presented with samples of a “flavored beverage” or water containing various concentrations of four stimuli (alum, malic acid, tannic acid, and quinine) and were asked to rate intensities of tastes (bitterness, sourness, and sweetness) and astringency subqualities (roughing, drying, and constricting or puckering) using a generalized visual analog scale. Using constricting in place of puckering had no effect on ratings. The effects of repeated tasting and beverage matrix on astringency perception were stimulus‐dependent. This study informs future investigations to understand the psychophysics of tastes and astringency.


This is the AAM of Kershaw, JC and Running, CA. (2018). "Dose–response functions and methodological insights for sensory tests with astringent stimuli." Journal of Sensory Studies 34: 1. Copyright Wiley, the version of record can be found at https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12480.

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