School of Engineering Education Graduate Student Series | School of Engineering Education | Purdue University

The Engineering Education Graduate Student Publication Series includes journal articles, conference papers, and reviewed abstracts of posters and presentations where graduate students from the Engineering Education program at Purdue University are listed as first author. When available, posters and/or presentations will be deposited as supplemental content to the reviewed abstracts. Content contained in this collection may vary in versions including: pre-prints, post-prints, published versions, or as links to exteriorly-hosted content such as a publisher’s website.

The School of Engineering Education was founded as a department in 2004 and is the first dedicated academic department in engineering education in the nation. The first graduate students (11 total) were admitted to the program in fall 2005. Publications in this series date from 2005 forward.

Content in this series will also include, when available, information on: grants that provided funding, advisors, and research groups associated with research. Additionally, content version identification will be noted when content is not exteriorly-hosted.

Any questions or concerns about this series should be directly to the Purdue e-Pubs administration ( or to the Engineering Education Liaison Librarian, Wei Zakharov (


Submissions from 2020


The Influence of Connecting Funds of Knowledge to Beliefs about Performance, Classroom Belonging, Dina Verdín, Jessica Smith, and Juan Lucena

Submissions from 2016


More Comprehensive and Inclusive Approaches to Demographic Data Collection, Todd Fernandez, Allison Godwin, Jacqueline Doyle, Dina Verdin, Hank Boone, Adam Kirn, Lisa Benson, and Geoff Potvin


Data Driven Course Improvements: Using Artifact Analysis to Conquer ABET Criterion 4, Tony A. Lowe, David Evenhouse, and Dhinesh Balaji Radhakrishnan


A Qualitative Study Investigating How First-Year Engineering Students' Value Beliefs Influence their Choice of Selecting an Engineering Major, Juan D. Ortega-Alvarez, S. Zahra Atiq, and Hector E Rodriguez-Simmonds


Voicing the Indescribable - Using Photo Elicitation as a Method to Uncover Belonging and Community, Nicole P Pitterson, Juan D. Ortega-Alvarez, Ruth Streveler, and Robin Adams


Systematic Review of the Funds of Knowledge Framework in STEM Education, Dina Verdin, Allison Godwin, and Brenda Capobianco

Submissions from 2015

Learning Non-technical Skills from Pedagogical Training: Investigating IGERT Graduate Student Perceptions, Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Monica Cox, Thomas Wallin, Mark J. Murphy, Amanda Lorts Harding, Rabia Hussein, Sonny Penterman, Vanessa Peters, Thejaswi Tumkur, Quincy Williams, and Suely Black


An Engineering Tale: Using Storybooks to Analyze Parent–Child Conversations About Engineering (Fundamental), Brianna L. Dorie and Monica Cardella


Engineering Together: Context in Dyadic Talk During an Engineering Task (K-12 Fundamental), Brianna L. Dorie, Monica Cardella, and Gina Navoa Svarovsky


Development of Entrepreneurial Attitudes Assessment Instrument for Freshman Students, Todd M. Fernandez, Genisson Sliva Coutinho, Michael D. Wilson, and Stephen R. Hoffmann


Systematic Literature Review of the Use of Rich Media in STEM and Related Education, Tony A. Lowe


Academic Outcomes of Cooperative Education Participation, Nichole Ramirez, Joyce Main, and Matthew Ohland


Identifying Sources of Information That Students Use in Deciding Which Engineering Major to Pursue, Héctor E. Rodríguez-Simmonds, Juan D. Ortega-Alvarez, S. Zahra Atiq, and Stephen R. Hoffmann


Special Session: Building Intentional Community Partnerships, Julia D. Thompson, Juan C. Lucena, Marybeth Lima, and Brent Jesiek


Mathematics as a Gatekeeper to Engineering: Preliminary Findings from the Interview Data, DeLean Tolbert and Monica Cardella


First in the Family: A Comparison of First-Generation and Non-First-Generation Engineering College Students, Dina Verdin and Allison F. Godwin


Qualitative Study of First-Generation Latinas: Understanding Motivation for Choosing and Persisting in Engineering, Dina Verdin, Allison F. Godwin, and Jennifer Morazes

Submissions from 2013


Engineering Childhood: Knowledge Transmission Through Parenting, Brianna L. Dorie and Monica Cardella


Using Puppets to Elicit Talk During Interviews on Engineering with Young Children, Brianna L. Dorie, Zdanna Tranby, Scott K. Van Cleave, Monica Cardella, and Gina Navoa Svarovsky

Key Aspects of Cyberlearning Resources with Compelling Results, Jeremi Shavonda London


Assessing Student Design Work in Social Entrepreneurship Projects, Lindsey Anne Nelson


Making the Most of Site Visits, Lindsey Anne Nelson


Microcontrollers for Mechanical Engineers: From Assembly Language to Controller Implementation, Noah Salzman and Peter H. Meckl


Reliability of the Global Real-time Assessment Tool for Teaching Enhancement (G-RATE), Nikitha Sambamurthy, Jeremi Shavonda London, Jeeyeon Hahn, Jiabin Zhu, and Monica F. Cox


The Dynamics of Attracting Switchers: A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison, Corey T. Schimpf, George Dante Ricco, and Matthew Ohland

Submissions from 2010


ASEE Student Members’ Needs Analysis: Implications For The ASEE Student Constituent Committee, Daniel Bumblauskas, Ana Torres-Ayala, and Matthew Verleger

Cleerhub.Org: Creating A Digital Habitat For Engineering Education Researchers, Tameka Sharona Clarke Douglas, Karl Smith, Ruth Streveler, and Alejandra de Jesus Magana de Leon


Model Of Students' Success: Important Factors Of Student Persistence In Engineering, Jien-Jou Lin, Qu Jin, and P.K. Imbrie


Developing A Global Real Time Assessment Tool For The Teaching Enhancement Of Engineering Graduate Teaching Assistants, Nathan McNeill, Jeeyeon Hahn, Asawaree Ajit Kulkarni, and Monica F. Cox


Growing Pains: Chinese Engineering Education During The Late Qing Dynasty, Nathan McNeill, Sensen Li, and Junqiu Wang


Facilitating Teaching And Research On Open Ended Problem Solving Through The Development Of A Dynamic Computer Tool, Matthew Verleger and Heidi Diefes-Dux

Submissions from 2006


The Chemical Engineering Environment: Catalyst Or Inhibitor To Students' Confidence In Success?, Mica A. Hutchison, George Bodner, and Deborah Follman


The Undergraduate Research Experience As It Relates To Research Efficacy Beliefs And The Imposter Phenomenon, Mica A. Hutchison, Deborah Follman, and De'Jeune Antoine

Submissions from 2005


Shaping The Self Efficacy Beliefs Of First Year Engineering Students: What Is The Role We Play?, Mica A Hutchison, George Bodner, and Deborah Follman