The vast majority of construction scheduling software uses a combination of spreadsheets and Gantt charts for developing and depicting Critical Path Method (CPM) schedules. While this paradigm works for the expert scheduler, it is not conducive to collaboration, and it is prohibitively difficult for non-scheduling experts to understand.
NetPoint® provides a dynamic, visual interface conducive to touch and gestural input. Activities are drawn directly on a time-scale and may be placed on the same row or arranged automatically using codes or the WBS. Such control of the presentation makes it easier to communicate the plan to any type of audience. Underneath the hood, activities are governed by the Graphical Path Method® (GPM®), an evolution of CPM that keeps the schedule updated in real-time, bypassing the need to manually recalculate the network.
Fact Sheet ID Number
Engineering Software
construction, technology, netpoint, schedule, critical path method, graphical path method, cpm, gpm, construction management, purdue, ect, emerging construction technology
Date of this Version
Recommended Citation
Team, Purdue ECT, "NetPoint®" (2017). ECT Fact Sheets. Paper 230.
Fact Sheet Type
Research Breakthrough
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