
The deployment of materials for controlling stormwater has gained greater emphasis as municipalities and civil works groups look to cope with increasing climate variables. The effects of erosion and water loss, especially in areas that are not readily accessible, have led to increased costs to these groups. Many of these systems and structures have been in place for decades, with concrete structures for water distribution and metering utilized since the beginning. These systems are a combination of earthen ditches intermixed with flumes, and concrete connection and distribution basins between ditches. Over time these structures have sustained damage from use and are in need of repair or replacement. ASTM has defined a new group or classification of materials as Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats or GCCMs. This new material classification has been used initially at industrial sites, at power plants, within road right-of-way, along railroad corridors, at airports, at landfills and other organizations looking for hard armor erosion control solutions, vegetation suppression, or challenging infrastructure repair.

Concrete ClothTM geosynthetic cementitious composite mats (GCCM) are a groundbreaking material technology that makes it possible to use concrete on slopes, in water, and in other hard-to-reach locations, without forms or mixing and minimal equipment requirements.

Fact Sheet ID Number



Composite Materials & Technologies


concrete, concrete cloth, concrete liner, ect, new technology, ditch, GCCM, lining, culvert protection, slope protection, berm protection



Date of this Version




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