This thesis contains the results from a benchmarking study, which involves comparing different device modeling approaches. After discussing the pflilosophical importance of accuracy and truth in science with respect to modeling, modern day simulation methods are discussed and a methodology defined. The modeling approaches compared are the drift-diffusion method, which is most commonly utilized currently, the hydrodynamic/energy transport method, which has greater rigor than drift-difision but has some convergence problems, and the scattering matrix approach, which fully solves the Boltzmann Transport Equation. The scattering matrix approach is used as the computational benchmark because it is the most rigorous and accurate solution available. Three different bipolar junction transistors are used for the study, a currelnt day, 25 GHz transistor, which is in production, and two research devices, a 55 GHz and a 75 GHz transistor. A group of terminal characteristics is defined and simulated for each device. All methods give the same results for the 25 GHz;: however, differences ,are seen with the higher speed devices. The study is just the beginning of an ongoing effort which will help define where and when device simulators can be relied upon.
Date of this Version
August 1996
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