FISH1D is a computer program that solves the one-dimensional Poisson equation for electrostatic Fields in Semiconductor Heterostructures. The program will print or plot the electrostatic potential, electric field, electron and hole densities, dopant density, ionized dopant density, and other quantities of interest versus position at an applied bias voltage (assuming zero current). A capacitance or sheet carrier concentration versus voltage analysis may also be performed. While FISH1D was originally written for the ternary Alx Ga1 _xAs, it has been modified to simulate CdxHg1^xTe, ZnSe, GexSi1^ , and Si as well, and the program can be readily modified to analyze other semiconductors through the addition of new material subroutines or using the most recent option, the MATDEF card. This card enables the user to enter new material definitions by layers in the input deck without having to recompile, an advantage of FISHlD 2.1 over FISH1D 2.0. Simulations of bipolar transistors under bias are now possible in FISH1D 2.2, which has an upgraded BIAS card. The primary purpose of this document is explain how to use FISH1D; for a more thorough discussion of the numerical implementation of FISH1D, the user is directed to the references. A theoretical basis for FISH1D is provided in Appendix I of this manual.
Date of this Version
Supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation, the National Science Foundation Materials Research Laboratory, and by the Eastman Kodak Company.