"Near-Optimal Worst-case Throughput Routing for Two-Dimensional Mesh Ne" by Daeho Seo, Akif Ali et al.


Minimizing latency and maximizing throughput are important goals in the design of routing algorithms for interconnection networks. Ideally, we would like a routing algorithm to (a) route packets using the minimal number of hops to reduce latency and preserve communication locality, (b) deliver good worst-case and average-case throughput and (c) enable low-complexity (and hence, low latency) router implementation. In this paper, we focus on routing algorithms for an important class of interconnection networks: two dimensional (2D) mesh networks. Existing routing algorithms for mesh networks fail to satisfy one or more of design goals mentioned above. Variously, the routing algorithms suffer from poor worst case throughput (ROMM [13], DOR [24]), poor latency due to increased packet hops (VALIANT [32]) or increased latency due to hardware complexity (minimal-adaptive [7, 31]).

Date of this Version

April 2005
