Motivation: Recognizing that many intrinsically disordered regions in proteins play key roles in vital functions and also in some diseases, identification of the disordered regions has became a demanding process for structure prediction and functional characterization of proteins. Therefore, many studies have been motivated on accurate prediction of disorder. Mostly, machine learning techniques have been used for dealing with the prediction problem of disorder due to the capability of extracting the complex relationships and correlations hidden in large data sets. Results: In this study, a novel method, named Border Vector Detection and Extended Adaptation (BVDEA) was developed for predicting disorder as an alternative accurate classifier. The classifier performs the predictions by using three types of structural features belonging to proteins. For attesting the performance of the method, three computational learning techniques and eleven specific tools were used for comparison. Training was executed based on the data by 5-fold cross validation. When compared with the three learning methods of GRNN, LVQ and BVDA, the proposed method gives the best accuracy on classification. The BVDEA also provides faster and more robust learning as compared to the others. The new method provides a significant contribution to predicting disorder and order regions of proteins.
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