""Autos para siluetas" de Ramon del Valle-Inclan: Drama simbolista sobr" by Elena Cueto-Asin

"Autos para siluetas" de Ramon del Valle-Inclan: Drama simbolista sobre el espejo concavo

Elena Cueto-Asin, Purdue University


In my thesis I provide a detailed analysis of Valle-Inclán's last two dramatic works, Ligazón and Sacrilegio . By establishing a relationship between these late works and his early Symbolist prose, I read the autos as a recapitulation and globalization of the author's writing career, once his esperpento technique was crystallized. I argue that these dramas, as spectacles and texts, reflect a chaotic vision of a world in transition, and question the conventions of a nascent modern bourgeois society and their expression through mass culture. As a comparativist, I am also concerned with the relationship between these plays and the broader European context of the avant-garde renovation of theater centered in France.




Hart, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Romance literature|Comparative literature|Theater

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