Rethinking the heart of being human: (A reflective adventure with Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Jane Addams, and John Dewey)

Mary Regina Leffers, Purdue University


In this book, I examine three facets of a paradigm shift that are suggested in the work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Jane Addams, and John Dewey. The first facet of the paradigm shift with Gilman is one in which we move from an androcentric human model to a common humanity model. The second facet with Addams is one in which we move from seeing ourselves as if we were isolated individuals to one that acknowledges human beings as organic wholes. And the third facet with Dewey is one in which we move from seeing ourselves as detached observers in knowledge-bearing situations to energy-event-complexes always in transactional processes which transform us.




Seigfried, Purdue University.

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