"Common Ground, is it reachable? A program evaluation of a cross-cultur" by Jennifer Beyer Hanson

Common Ground, is it reachable? A program evaluation of a cross-cultural training program

Jennifer Beyer Hanson, Purdue University


This study was a comprehensive, longitudinal program evaluation of the cross-cultural training seminar, Common Ground. Current research extensively reviews descriptions of program evaluation recognizing the need for such evaluation. However, there are few examples of complete, multi-perspective program evaluations. This study compensates for this research void by conducting a four-stage, longitudinal program evaluation. In the present study, investigative instruments, research questions, and stakeholder groups are aligned with the Kirkpatrick program evaluation model. Data supported a positive reaction to the seminar. Growth in learning and behavior were reported, specifically in the areas of cultural knowledge, communication skills, and attitudinal adjustments. Organizational effects were increased tolerance of those from other cultures leading to procedural changes in several organizations.




Berns, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Bilingual education|Multicultural education|School administration

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