Development of a small versatile farm tractor for use in less-developed countries of the world
Throughout this researcher's career working in Less Developed Countries (LDCs), the need for a small, simple, easy-to-maintain, versatile tractor has been noted. Although there have been many small tractors developed, findings indicate that no tractors known to the researcher incorporate all or even most of the needs of farmers in LDCs. This study was undertaken to design and develop such a tractor. The researcher developed the conceptual idea for the tractor during 1983 and a paper, Developing A Versatile Small Farm Tractor, relative to this concept was presented to the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at the Winter meeting in 1983. The final design of the prototype tractor includes the features outlined in the paper with the exception of the steering. Respondents' letters and personal and telephone contacts with those who reviewed the paper indicate that there was a need for such a tractor and a potential market exists. The feasibility of manufacturing the tractor is sound as is the marketing and possible manufacture in LDCs.
Peters, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Agricultural engineering
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