"Nonlinear modeling of atomization processes" by James Henry Hilbing

Nonlinear modeling of atomization processes

James Henry Hilbing, Purdue University


Numerical models capable of addressing non-linear atomization processes have been developed using the Boundary Element Method. An inviscid model addresses the breakup of a finite-length liquid jet with unsteady inflow conditions. Both arbitrary orifice geometry and gravity are included in the model, and the model has the capability of extending the calculation beyond the point where droplets are shed from the tip or periphery of the jet. Nonlinear results are presented for dripping flows and flows in the Rayleigh breakup regime. Three methods of including viscous effects in a free-surface model are developed: the unsteady velocity-traction formulation in Lagrangian form is applied to oscillations of a viscous column; a weakly viscous formulation is applied to the breakup of an infinite jet; and a coupled inviscid/boundary layer integral method solution is applied to the evolution of a finite-length liquid jet.




Heister, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace materials

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