"Expression of a mitochondrial gene, orf 239, causing male sterility in" by Andre Roger Abad

Expression of a mitochondrial gene, orf 239, causing male sterility in common bean

Andre Roger Abad, Purdue University


Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) phenotype in common bean has been associated with the insertion in the mitochondrial genome of a foreign DNA sequence coined pvs. Antibodies raised against the largest open reading frame, pvs-orf239, demonstrated that expression of ORF239 is tissue-specific and found only in the reproductive tissues of the male sterile plant(CMS-Sprite). Definitive evidence that ORF239 is the causal agent in CMS was provided by transgenic tobacco plants expressing ORF239 resulting in male sterile plant phenotypes with similar ORF239 localization. Finally, post-translational regulation of ORF239 by a matrix mitochondrial serine protease with enzymatic characteristics similar of Lon protease was demonstrated.




Mackenzie, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Agronomy|Molecular biology|Genetics

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