An integrated transportation land use modeling system

Ying-Ming Yen, Purdue University


The principle objective of this research is to develop an integrated land-use/transportation model to represent the interrelationships between land use and transportation, subject to the requirements of the ISTEA of 1991 and the CAAA of 1990. The integrated model includes two major parts: a land-use allocation module and a travel demand module. Interface modules have also been built to transform data between these two modules. The land-use allocation module consists of a residential location model, an employment location model, a land use potential model, and a land consumption model. One unique feature of the residential and employment location models is that they simultaneously estimate passenger movement by work-to-home, home-to-shop and work-to-shop trips between zones before entering the travel demand module. Then the TRANPLAN-based travel demand module carries out trip generation and trip distribution stages for estimating home-based school, home-based other, non-home-based, external-internal and external-external trips. The land consumption model, which is significantly different from the LANCON procedure of DRAM/EMPAL, based on micro-economic theory can simulate the profit-maximizing behavior of housing or land owners over time. The major purpose of the land consumption model is to satisfy the need to reach a balance between demand and supply in the housing market during each time period. The land consumption model is also influenced by Anas's work in CATLAS, which did not deal with employment location, and simultaneously considers housing location and employment location. The integrated model can be used to evaluate land use policies and transportation policies. Tests run for the Lafayette area have demonstrated that the model can be used to quantify positive and negative effects of long range transportation and land use plans.




Fricker, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering|Urban planning|Area planning & development|Economics|Transportation

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