"Adequacy assessment of tests for fault tolerance" by Tsanchi Li

Adequacy assessment of tests for fault tolerance

Tsanchi Li, Purdue University


As computer software is extended to areas requiring extreme dependability, there is a stronger need to validate its properties. This thesis proposes a method of validation that uses an interface-based injection scheme with failure modes and a 2-dimensional metric to assess the adequacy of the test sets and the system dependability. To assess a system using the 2-dimensional metric, a 2-phase testing scheme (2PTS) is formalized. The tester first strives for an adequate test set, then uses the test set to assess the system's dependability. A tool named TAMER (a Testing, Analysis, and Measurement Environment for system Robustness) is developed to realize the proposed methodology.




Mathur, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Computer science

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