"A study of volume, density, and radial flow in multifragmentation of g" by Penny Gail Warren

A study of volume, density, and radial flow in multifragmentation of gold nuclei

Penny Gail Warren, Purdue University


The Purdue University High Energy Nuclear Physics Group, as part of the EOS collaboration, participated in the EOS heavy-ion experiment at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac which produced high statistics exclusive data. The mean transverse kinetic energy of the 1 GeV/A Au + C data is compared at an established multifragmentation model, SMM. It is concluded that the thermal and Coulomb energies in the model are insufficient to account for the observed kinetic energies. The difference in mean transverse kinetic energies of the data and simulation is attributed to radial flow. Next, analyzing the 1 GeV/A Au + C data in terms of a non-interacting, nondegenerate Fermi gas allows volumes, densities, and time scales to be calculated. In this second analysis, using energy conservation, a large difference in the energy of the reconstructed projectile remnant and the energy of the final state fragments is attributed to radial flow. The amount of radial flow identified in the two flow analyses are in agreement. Trajectories in the temperature-density plane are plotted and compared to theoretical predictions.




Scharenberg, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Nuclear physics

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