"Structural subtyping in a distributed object system" by Patrick Andrew Muckelbauer

Structural subtyping in a distributed object system

Patrick Andrew Muckelbauer, Purdue University


This dissertation describes an interface description language and runtime support system for a distributed object system that uses structural subtyping for conformance checking rather than traditional inheritance subtyping. It is shown from both a theoretical and practical perspective that structural subtyping leads to less components in a distributed system. Reducing coupling between components decreases their interdependencies and makes them easier to separate and understand. Furthermore, decreased interdependencies resulting from reduced coupling make a system easier to maintain by helping to minimize the effect that changes in components have on their interoperability. However, the benefits of reducing coupling in a system are tempered by a potential decrease in performance that results when components are less tightly coupled. This dissertation details a number of optimizations and shows through analysis and measurements that both the distributed conformance checking algorithm and remote method invocation can be implemented efficiently in a system that uses structural subtyping.




Russo, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Computer science

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