"MBE growth issues for II-VI laser diodes" by Donald Charles Grillo

MBE growth issues for II-VI laser diodes

Donald Charles Grillo, Purdue University


For approximately 30 years, researchers have been trying to exploit the wide direct bandgap of II-VI materials. Recent advances in the p-type doping of ZnSe based materials has lead to the realization of II-VI laser diodes. This research describes the MBE grown II-VI laser diode structures which range from one of the first II-VI laser diodes which operated only at low temperatures under pulsed current injection to today's structures which operate continuously at room temperature. Also discussed are the various MBE growth procedures essential to the successful growth of the laser diode structures. Also shown is the effect of substrate temperature fluctuations on the alloy fractions of a (Zn,Mg)(S,Se) epilayer. Currently, the lifetimes of the II-VI laser diodes are rather short. The lifetime is limited by the formation of defects during the growth of the structures. A preliminary attempt at deflecting the defects away from the active region of the laser structure is described. Also, the application of double crystal X-ray reflection topography for imaging defects in II-VI laser diodes is discussed.




Gunshor, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Materials science|Optics

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