"A precision micropositioner for manufacturing and metrology" by James Bryan Taylor

A precision micropositioner for manufacturing and metrology

James Bryan Taylor, Purdue University


Within modern manufacturing there is a growing need for micropositioning devices with very fine resolution, high accuracy, high precision, and repeatability. In this research, a new micropositioning system based on a kinematic coupling is developed and its unique path control is derived. The results show that such a system will provide the user with the ability to exploit the inherent position repeatability of the kinematic coupling, while maintaining full two dimensional motion control. More importantly, this mechanism is shown to have a mechanical amplification (leverage) that can allow up to several times increase in the effective positioning resolution of the position sensors employed by the actuators driving the kinematic coupling mechanism. This may drastically reduce the cost for achieving ultra-high positioning resolution demanded by industry, without using complicated and extremely expensive position sensors.




Chandrasekar, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Industrial engineering|Mechanical engineering|Electrical engineering

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