"A qualitative exploration of HIV/AIDS educators' perspectives on needs" by Lenoraann Ryan

A qualitative exploration of HIV/AIDS educators' perspectives on needs assessment

Lenoraann Ryan, Purdue University


This study was a qualitative exploration of HIV/AIDS educators' perceptions on needs assessment. The primary form of data collection was focus group interviews. Two focus groups were purposefully sampled. The first focus group contained seven certified HIV/AIDS educators from the state of Indiana, and the second focus group contained seven certified HIV/AIDS educators from Michigan. Within and between group analyses were conducted on the focus group data. Findings from the data indicated that the Michigan and Indiana HIV/AIDS educators operated from differing conceptual frameworks regarding needs assessment and community involvement. It was suggested that the differing conceptual frameworks influenced both the types of needs assessment utilized and specific needs assessed. The Michigan and Indiana HIV/AIDS educators held similar views regarding the importance of the HIV/AIDS educator as an impacting factor in the utilization of needs assessment. The focus group members agreed that being an HIV/AIDS educator was a multi-faceted challenge, and it was suggested that educators conduct an intra-educator assessment in order to better understand their development as an educator.




Jurich, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology|Health education|Cellular biology

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