The impact of the Choice Awareness Program upon the self-concept, locus of control and interactive choices of children with learning disabilities

George Dennis Smith, Purdue University


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Choice Awareness Program upon the self-concept, locus of control and interactive choices of children with learning disabilities in two school districts in Indiana. The project investigated the extent to which the Choice Awareness Program influenced the quantity of choices as well as the quality of choices made by children in response to selected situations. Changes in locus of control and self-concept were also measured to determine the impact of the Choice Awareness Program. Though the statistical findings of this study do not strongly support the Choice Awareness Program as a tool for improving the self-concept, locus of control and interactive choices of children with learning disabilities, the anecdotal information obtained from the instructor evaluations do suggest that improvement can occur through this program. Further research of the Choice Awareness Program with children with learning disabilities is suggested.




Nelson, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Academic guidance counseling|Special education|Elementary education

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