Homotopy uniqueness of classifying spaces of compact Lie groups

Anguru Kankananee Kirthi Premadasa, Purdue University


This thesis deals with the following uniqueness conjecture. Let G be a compact Lie group and p be a prime. Conjecture. If X is a $F\sb{p}$-complete space such that $H\sp\*(X,F\sb{p})\cong H\sp\* (BG,F\sb{p})$ as algebras over $A\sb{p}$, the mod $-$p-Steenrod algebra, then, X is homotopy equivalent to $BG\sbsp{p}{\wedge}$. We outline a method to attack this problem in general and prove the conjecture for p = 2 for the cases BSO(5), BSO(7), and $BG\sb2$. We also introduce a technique which can be used to obtain the uniqueness of the classifying space of a compact Lie group, with knowledge of the uniqueness of its covering spaces. We use this to obtain the uniqueness of BSO(6), BO(6), BO(4) and others. Our method consists of decomposing X as the homotopy colimit of a functor and obtaining a map of diagrams between this functor and the corresponding funtor for $BG\sbsp{p}{\wedge}$. First, we identify the nodes of the two diagrams up to homotopy. Then we use results of Dwyer and Wilkerson to obtain a map of diagrams between the two funtors in the homotopy category. Finally, we remove the obstructions for the rigidifaction of this map, thus getting the desired map.




Wilkerson, Purdue University.

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