"Rhetoric of critique/critique of rhetoric: Toward critical discursive " by Nancy C DeJoy

Rhetoric of critique/critique of rhetoric: Toward critical discursive practices in the academy

Nancy C DeJoy, Purdue University


This dissertation addresses the absence of calls for critical discursive practices within composition studies. Examining the traditional configurations of writer (self), audience (other), context, and text, I argue that these constructs structurally and systematically favor noncritical operations of identification. Each Chapter critiques and then moves beyond the terms of these constraints by revising the notions of context, subject, other, and text, respectively for the purpose of making a space for critical discursive practices within the contemporary context of process model composition pedagogy. The last chapter directly discusses the implications of these revisions for process model composition pedagogy. I find that, in the end, the move to critical practices requires the inclusion of other-than-identificatory operations at the levels of theory, pedagogy, and practice, especially within the realms of invention, arrangement, and revision.




Berlin, Purdue University.

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