Projectile energy and mass dependence of nuclear reaction dynamics for intermediate energy heavy ion reactions

James Perry Whitfield, Purdue University


Target residues from the interaction of copper with 25 MeV/nucleon $\sp{23}$Ne, 35 MeV/nucleon $\sp{16}$O, and 90 MeV/nucleon $\sp{12}$C and $\sp{6}$Li have been studied using thick-target, thick-catcher recoil range techniques. Cross sections, average forward ranges and forward-to-backward ratios have been measured. Isobaric and mass yield distributions have been constructed from the cross section data. Longitudinal momentum transfer information has been obtained. Comparisons with a variety of lighter and heavier projectiles interacting with copper have been made. Comparisons of the data with initial interaction-evaporation models ISABELLE-EVA, BUU-GEMINI and BUU-PACE are presented. The isobaric yield distribution remains unchanged over the energy range of present interest independent of projectile mass. The mass yield distribution varies with both projectile mass and energy. Linear momentum transfer (LMT) results indicate that with increasing projectile energy and mass there is decreasing momentum transferred from the projectile to the target in the initial interaction. The maximum LMT saturates above 25 MeV/nucleon at $\sim$170 MeV/c per incident nucleon. INC-evaporation codes ISABELLE-EVA reproduce the mass yield and fractional velocity transfer distributions well for the 90 MeV/nucleon reactions but fail at lower energies. Results from BUU-GEMINI and BUU-PACE also predict the data for the higher energy reactions better than the low energy reactions.




Porile, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Nuclear chemistry

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