InterBase: A systematic approach to the specification and execution of global transactions in multidatabase systems

Jiansan Chen, Purdue University


The contribution of this thesis is that it presents a practical approach to the specification and execution of global transactions in multidatabase systems. We designed and implemented the InterBase Parallel Language (IPL) to specify such global transactions and the current version of the InterBase System as a multidatabase prototype to execute such global transactions in IPL. IPL allows programmers of multidatabase systems to specify all the aspects of a global transaction, including the execution codes for its subtransactions, control flow and data flow among the subtransactions, and commit options and preferences for the transaction. Beyond such transaction-oriented properties, IPL can also be used to specify workflows that facilitate the development of applications in distributed environments of heterogeneous software resources such as databases, tool libraries, and application programs. IPL can therefore also support both system integration and distributed application processing. The InterBase System manages the location and initiation of component systems integrated within InterBase, the transfer and transformation of data among these component systems, and the control of parallelism among concurrent global transactions. Remote System Interfaces (RSIs) are developed for InterBase to superimpose on individual component systems to deal with the problem of heterogeneity. The RSIs transform commands and data between global transactions and component systems, forming an apparently "homogeneous" interface toward these heterogeneous component systems. The RSIs therefore greatly reduce the execution complexity of global transactions. This "homogeneous" interface also makes possible the preservation of the autonomy of these component systems. Among the virtues of the InterBase architecture is its decentralized nature, arising from the distribution of the InterBase Transaction Manager over the machines from which global transactions are executed. Information exchange within InterBase is performed via computer network, so that each module of InterBase has location transparency. The execution protocols of InterBase components are discussed in detail. Several important aspects of the implementation of InterBase, such as the cooperative mechanisms among InterBase components, are presented. Insights gleaned through the implementation of InterBase are also summarized. An initial performance evaluation indicates that the InterBase solution is feasible in many distributed application environments.




Elmagarmid, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Computer science

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