"Trace element study of H chondrites: Evidence for meteoroid streams" by Stephen Frederic Wolf

Trace element study of H chondrites: Evidence for meteoroid streams

Stephen Frederic Wolf, Purdue University


Multivariate statistical analyses, both linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression, of the volatile trace elemental concentrations in H4-6 chondrites reveal compositionally distinguishable subpopulations. Observed difference in volatile trace element composition between Antarctic and non-Antarctic H4-6 chondrites (Lipschutz and Samuels, 1991) can be explained by a compositionaily distinct subpopulation found in Victoria Land, Antarctica. This population of H4-6 chondrites is compositionally distinct from non-Antarctic H4-6 chondrites and from Antarctic H4-6 chondrites from Queen Maud Land. Comparisons of Queen Maud Land H4-6 chondrites with non-Antarctic H4-6 chondrites do not give reason to believe that these two populations are distinguishable from each other on the basis of the ten volatile trace element concentrations measured. ANOVA indicates that these differences are not the result of trivial causes such as weathering and analytical bias. Thermoluminescence properties of these populations parallels the results of volatile trace element comparisons. Given the differences in terrestrial age between Victoria Land, Queen Maud Land, and modern H4-6 chondrite falls, these results are consistent with a variation in H4-6 chondrite flux on a 300 ky timescale. This conclusion requires the existence of co-orbital meteoroid streams. Statistical analyses of the volatile trace elemental concentrations in non-Antarctic modern falls of H4-6 chondrites also demonstrate that a group of 13 H4-6 chondrites, Cluster 1, selected exclusively for their distinct fall parameters (Dodd, 1992) is compositionally distinguishable from a control group of 45 non-Antarctic modern H4-6 chondrites on the basis of the ten volatile trace element concentrations measured. Model-independent randomization-simulations based on both linear discriminant analysis and logistic regression verify these results. While ANOVA identifies two possible causes for this difference, analytical bias and group classification, a test validation experiment verifies that group classification is the more significant cause of compositional difference between Cluster 1 and non-Cluster 1 modern H4-6 chondrite falls. Thermoluminescence properties of these populations parallels the results of volatile trace element comparisons. This suggests that these meteorites are fragments of a co-orbital meteorite stream derived from a single parent body.




Lipschutz, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Analytical chemistry|Astronomy|Astrophysics|Statistics

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