Caged birds do sing: Gifted students with cerebral palsy
This study explored the lived experiences of gifted students who have cerebral palsy and are not able to communicate with speech. Embedded in the theoretical perspectives of phenomenology and symbolic interactionism, qualitative cross-case methodology was employed to investigate the following questions: in what ways do these students indicate their intellectual abilities, and what instructional strategies or techniques are especially beneficial in developing these abilities? Two participants were located who met the selection criteria. One student was placed in a self-contained gifted program at the elementary level; the other was enrolled in regular and college preparatory classes at a comprehensive high school. Data collection occurred over a three-year time span, and employed these research methods: participant observation, interviewing, document analysis, audiotaping, and videotaping. Data were analyzed using analytic induction, constant comparison, open coding, axial coding, selective coding, diagramming, and cross-case analysis. The students demonstrated the following characteristics of giftedness: advanced academic abilities (especially mathematical and verbal skills), broad base of knowledge, quickness of learning and recall, sophisticated sense of humor, curiosity, insight, maturity (shown through motivation, goal orientation, determination, patience, and recognition of one's own limitations), desire for independence, and use of intellectual skills to cope with the disability. Instructional variables conducive to the development of these skills included willingness of the teachers to accommodate, mainstreaming with nondisabled students, individualization and opportunities for student choice, hands-on experiences, development of thinking skills, simulation, thematic instruction, and high-level discussion. Four assertions emerged from the cross-case analysis. In brief, these related to the difficulty in expressing and recognizing indicators of giftedness; differential impact of classroom atmosphere, structure, and instructional activities; integration into regular classrooms; and barriers which must be overcome in order for these students to meet their goals. In addition, strong themes of conflict and interference emerged. Theoretical implications were drawn between the results and the frameworks of phenomenology and symbolic interactionism, and the information-processing model of intelligence. Implications for educators were delineated in the hope that the abilities of more of our students may be recognized and nurtured.
Asher, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Educational psychology|Special education
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