Optimal trajectories for multiple robots in cooperative manipulation

Seungbin Moon, Purdue University


In this thesis we develop optimal trajectory planning algorithms for cooperative multi-manipulator system (CMMS). Since the kinematics and dynamics of CMMS are quite different from those of a single robot, we need to design the trajectory planner which addresses problems related to CMMS. First, we developed time scaling algorithm to modify any trajectory plans which are designed without considering the dynamics of robots. Employing the linear programming, the exact time-optimal trajectory plans for a given path is designed. We also developed sub-time-optimal trajectory planning method employing the optimal load distribution. The merit of this scheme is the reduction of the computation time over the exact time optimal method which must use mathematical programming techniques. When the object path is purely translational or rotational and desired internal forces are specified and rigid grasp is used to hold the object, we showed that this scheme is equivalent to the time optimal method. The general optimization criteria can be employed in the last algorithm we developed using the dynamic programming method. Since we assumed that the path is known and parameterizable, we can reduce the dimension of state equations into two, which prevents us from experiencing so called the curse of dimensionality.




Ahmad, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Mechanical engineering

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