Integrated propulsion-airframe dynamics and control

Ronald A Perez, Purdue University


The development of an Integrated Control scheme to enhance the performance of a generic interconnected multivariable dynamical system, consisting of a turbo fan engine and an airframe, in the presence of predominantly destructive dynamical interactions over the flight envelope is considered in this research. The control scheme consists of two components: a simple static forward loop or feedback loop precompensator to improve the interactions followed by a forward or feedback loop controller to improve the performance. System performance specifications dictate zero steady state errors in the engine and airframe controlled output variables as well as minimal overshoot with rapid and smooth acceleration and deceleration profiles. Furthermore the system must be tolerant to soft and hard output sensor failures by means of analytic redundancy only. A control methodology to satisfy the above specifications is presented here. Necessary and sufficient conditions are presented in order to achieve stable closed loop performance of the overall system by tuning every loop separately (i.e. decentralized stability). This leads to very simple control structures, but even for these rather simple control schemes, a significant improvement over previous integration schemes is obtained.




Nwokah, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering

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