A harbor resonance model with reflecting, absorbing, and transmitting boundaries
A conservation of wave energy approach is used to develop a two-dimensional linear, inviscid, hybrid finite element model for calculating wave response in an offshore or coastal arbitrary shape harbor. The numerical model is based on the mild-slope wave equation including wave refraction, diffraction, and reflection. The model also incorporates the effects of: variable bathymetry; bottom friction; variable, full or partial absorbing boundaries; and wave transmission through permeable breakwaters. The Galerkin finite element method is used to solve the functional which was obtained using the governing equations. This model can be applied to both long-wave as well as to short-wave problems. The accuracy and efficiency of the present model is verified by comparing different cases of rectangular harbor numerical results with analytical and experimental results. These results indicate that reduction in wave amplitude inside a harbor caused by energy dissipation due to water depth, linearly sloping bottom, and bottom function is quite small for a deep harbor. But for a shallow harbor, these factors are important. They also show that reduction in wave amplitude inside a harbor due to boundary absorption, permeable transmission, harbor entrance width, and horizontal dimensions is very important for both deep and shallow harbors. Application of the present numerical model to simulate the Port of Indiana, located at the southern end of Lake Michigan, showed that the numerically predicted results are in good agreement with field data collected in the Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects (MCCP) program. The model presented herein is a more realistic method for sloving harbor resonance or bay seiche problems.
Wood, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Civil engineering|Oceanography|Mechanical engineering
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