"Speed-accuracy trade-offs in linear and circular hand movements" by Kyoung Nae Kim

Speed-accuracy trade-offs in linear and circular hand movements

Kyoung Nae Kim, Purdue University


The present research utilized the basic findings from the linear speed-accuracy trade-off to examine how two-dimensional movements are constructed. It is proposed that the program for an aimed hand movement controls the duration and the amplitude of an impulse. The variability (or noise) in the execution of motor program control produces the linear relation between D/T and W$\sb{\rm e}$. In the present study, subjects drew lines with a distance D and circles with a diameter D long. The basic assumption was that circle movements are produced by combining a sinusoidal force-time function for the x dimension with a sinusoidal force-time function for the y dimension. The component linear speed-accuracy functions are the same as the functions for the line movements in the x and y dimension. This dissertation demonstrated the usefulness of the linear speed-accuracy trade-off as a tool used to examine the underlying processes of skilled motor performance. Evidence was provided that a curved movement can be decomposed into its vector components.




Zelaznik, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Physical education

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