"Superfluidity in thin helium-3 films" by Jingwei Xu

Superfluidity in thin helium-3 films

Jingwei Xu, Purdue University


We have set up a copper nuclear demagnetization cryostat that can cool our samples well below one millikelvin and have performed extensive measurements of the superfluid density of thin $\sp3$He films for a broad range of thickness using the torsional oscillator technique. The suppression of the superfluid transition temperature we find shows good agreement with the predictions of the general theory. The superfluid density is also suppressed as the film gets thinner as predicted by theories. But the measured superfluid density is different for films thinner or thicker than 1375 A. We think that our superfluid density data show strong evidence for the existence of a new superfluid phase in films thinner than 1375 A.




Crooker, Purdue University.

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