Methods of analysis for thick section composite structures

Jiayi Luo, Purdue University


Based on classical anisotropic theory, analytical solutions for composite tubes and curved beams are developed by using multilayer conditions and effective properties, respectively. For the thermal stress analysis of tubes, several global-local techniques are developed and tested numerically. The Refined Global-Local method gives the best results with saving much computing costs of multilayer analyses. For curved beams, the multilayer solution considers effects of rigid-body-motion terms and substantially improves stress evaluation given by previous solutions. The global-local solution using effective moduli gives global agreements with the modified multilayer solution for thick curved beams of multiple repeating sublaminates. In order to estimate the applicability of effective moduli in composite dynamics, a series-expansion solution for plane harmonic wave propagation in the layer direction is developed and used for the dispersion analysis of laminated plates in multilayer and effective formulations, respectively. Also, for cases normal to the layer direction, the results from using effective moduli and using the multilayer solution are calculated and compared. The limitation of effective moduli for wave analysis of composite laminates is discussed.




Sun, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace materials|Mechanical engineering|Civil engineering

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