"Invariant boundary conditions for cascade flows" by Terry Lee Caipen

Invariant boundary conditions for cascade flows

Terry Lee Caipen, Purdue University


A method of using the phase-lagged Riemann invariant boundary conditions has been developed to compute the aerodynamic response coefficients for cascade flows. The method is used with a quasi-Newton iteration technique to solve the unsteady full potential equation. The results are compared with a time sheared boundary condition scheme for nonzero interblade phase angles. The current method eliminates the need for using multiple passages in such calculations and automatically gives the proper wake jump conditions for the potential equation. The results are also compared to available theoretical and experimental results for subsonic, transonic, and supersonic (with subsonic leading edge locus) flows to establish the validity and accuracy of the result. The method can be used to more efficiently calculate the flutter boundaries of a cascade geometry at many interblade phase angles.




Williams, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Aerospace materials

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