"Hearing aid evaluation procedure for the Quattro hearing aid: Using th" by Anne Ruppe Shields

Hearing aid evaluation procedure for the Quattro hearing aid: Using the method of paired comparisons

Anne Ruppe Shields, Purdue University


This study evaluated the usefulness of the paired comparison paradigm for the assessment of the four frequency responses of the Widex Quattro (Q8) hearing aid. Four listening conditions were chosen and one hearing aid frequency response was prescribed to each condition. The twelve subjects who were experienced hearing aid users indicated frequency response preferences for the four experimental listening conditions through paired comparison judgments. The investigation examined the relationship between the prescribed responses and those preferred by the listeners in the different listening conditions, the relationship between the preferred hearing aid frequency response and the listening situation, the test-retest repeatability of the paired comparison approach, the clinical efficiency of this method, and the differences in the real ear insertion response (REIR) for the four Q8 programmed responses. Results of this investigation indicated that subjects were able to consistently complete the hearing aid evaluation in a period of sixty to seventy minutes. Half of the subjects selected more than one frequency response as the preferred frequency response for the four listening situations. Subjects did not select frequency responses, however, relative to the environmental correction factors. The group REIR measures indicated significant differences between the four Q8 frequency responses. Based upon test-retest repeatability and clinical efficiency, the paired comparison method is an appropriate tool for assessing the hearing aid performance of hearing aids with multiple memories. Future research in the area of the development of programming strategies of the Q8 memories would increase the use as dictated by the demands of the listening circumstances.




Goldstein, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Audiology|Biomedical research

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