"Writing for the unknown reader: An ethnographic case study in a busine" by Elizabeth Huettman

Writing for the unknown reader: An ethnographic case study in a business setting

Elizabeth Huettman, Purdue University


This ethnographic case study investigated how one business writer made decisions based on audience concerns as she wrote one feasibility report. The purpose of this research was threefold: to analyze if and how the organizational culture affected the ways that business professionals create texts, to analyze a writer's individual composing processes, and to analyze the readability level of the completed report. The findings are a result of a thirty month study, during which time multiple sources of data were collected and analyzed. Based on rhetorical and composition theory, in addition to a well documented and established research methodology, this study will broaden our understanding of audience addressed/audience invoked theory and the writing that takes place in a work environment.




Sullivan, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Rhetoric|Composition|Business community

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