"Statistical methods and neural network approaches for classification o" by Jon Atli Benediktsson

Statistical methods and neural network approaches for classification of data from multiple sources

Jon Atli Benediktsson, Purdue University


Statistical methods for classification of data from multiple data sources (e.g., Landsat MSS data, radar data and topographic data) are investigated and compared to neural network models. A problem with using conventional multivariate statistical approaches for classification of data of multiple types is in general that a multivariate distribution cannot be assumed for the classes in the data sources. Another common problem with statistical classification methods is that the data sources are not equally reliable. This means that the data sources need to be weighted according to their reliability but most statistical classification methods do not have a mechanism for this. This research focuses on statistical methods which can overcome these problems: a method of statistical multisource analysis and consensus theory. Reliability measures for weighting the data sources in these methods are suggested and investigated. Secondly, this research focuses on neural network models. The neural networks are distribution-free since no prior knowledge of the statistical distribution of the data is needed. This is an obvious advantage over most statistical classification methods. The neural networks also automatically take care of the problem involving how much weight each data source should have. On the other hand, their training process is iterative and can take a very long time. Methods to speed up the training procedure are introduced and investigated. Experimental results of classification using both neural network models and statistical methods are given, and the approaches are compared based on these results.




Swain, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Remote sensing|Artificial intelligence

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