"Input modeling for construction simulation" by Simaan Maurice Abou Rizk

Input modeling for construction simulation

Simaan Maurice Abou Rizk, Purdue University


This research focuses on modeling input data for simulation of construction operations. The first part of the research constitutes an evaluation and categorization of a number of real construction data sets. This categorization provides insight into the properties of construction data. In the second part of the research a number of methods are developed to enable accurate and efficient construction of input models when (1) observations are available, and (2) in a data deficient environment which is frequently encountered in construction planning. The third part of the research constitutes a sensitivity analysis of the effect of using different input models on the output of simulation. A number of realistic simulation models of construction processes were used as test beds for this part. A secondary objective of the research is the implementation of all methods and findings in portable software. The later part is documented in two main packages namely, BetaFit and BetaFitX.




Halpin, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Civil engineering

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