Integrated process management in a parallel database programming environment

Sangbong Yoo, Purdue University


This thesis describes the design of a Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment (KBSEE) based on the framework of object-oriented knowledge base. The knowledge-based scheme provides us with a conceptually easy and powerful means to model software objects. The logical language of the knowledge base has enough descriptive power and generality to integrate the existing techniques and the knowledge of software engineering. KBSEE is an integrated software engineering environment which is designed mainly to relieve the user from designing and maintaining the low level details of programming activities. Given descriptions of processes (i.e., sequential processes, concurrent processes, and database processes), various techniques are applied to analyze and optimize the processes. A sequential process which is described logically or in a flowchart can be optimized through program transformations. A concurrent process can be defined as a set of sequential processes, coordination constraints, and integrity constraints. The definition is then proved correct either formally or informally (by using Petri net models). With an assimilation scheme for production rules, a design process can be performed incrementally. In this thesis, the problems of optimization and the concurrency control of database processes are also discussed.




Sheu, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Computer science

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