"The effects of the "formula first session task" and the "formula first" by Jerome Francis Adams

The effects of the "formula first session task" and the "formula first session task" plus solution focused therapy on compliance and outcome in family therapy

Jerome Francis Adams, Purdue University


This study investigated the differential effects of the 'formula first session task' (FFST) and the FFST plus a solution focused session of treatment as compared to a standard problem focused intervention on compliance and outcome in family therapy. Therapists were trained to use the solution focused intervention in the first session of treatment. The effects of the intervention and solution focused session were evaluated at the second and third sessions of therapy and at termination. The first two sessions of treatment were videotaped and rated by independent observers. Families given the formula first session task reported having clearer goals for therapy, and more improvement in the presenting problem than those given the standard problem task. They did not report being any more optimistic about the success of treatment. Therapists and independent observers also reported these effects. Therapists and observers agreed that families given the FFST complied more with this task than the standard problem task. The administration of the FFST was not an accurate predictor of long term treatment outcome as measured at the tenth session of treatment.




Piercy, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology|Social work

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