Intraorganizational bargaining: The effect of goal congruence and trust on negotiator's strategy use

Dudley Barlow Turner, Purdue University


The interaction between the negotiator and bargaining team members in an attempt to achieve consensus, called intraorganizational bargaining, is the focus of this study. Strategies of intraorganizational bargaining from various theorists were developed into a coding system. The levels of trust and goal congruence between the negotiator and team members were manipulated in order to examine the negotiator's strategy use in these situations varying the level of role conflict. The study examines the role of the negotiator as representative of constituents instead of simply an individual interacting with another individual. A model of intraorganizational bargaining is forwarded. Subjects were allowed to interact freely with constituents as well as the opposing negotiator. The simulated teacher-school board negotiations were audio recorded and transcribed so that communicative strategies and tactics could be analyzed. Intraorganizational bargaining strategies were grouped into substantive expectations, behavioral expectations and inward representation. Results show that the level of negotiator-constituent goal congruence has an effect on negotiator strategy use during caucuses, such that high goal congruence increases the use of "raise aspirations" and "support team proposal" strategies during caucuses and more party representing statements during bargaining. High trust led to more use of "raise aspiration" and "defend/clarify own proposal" strategies, more self representing and less party representing statements. Goal aspirations were affected most by low goal congruence. There were no effects due to the interaction of goal congruence and trust. Implications of this study are discussed and suggestions for future research are given.




Putnam, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Communication|Labor relations

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