Destination tag routing schemes for multistage interconnection networks with redundant paths
Owing to the simplicity, efficiency and ease of implementation, destination tag routing schemes have been prevalent in multistage interconnection network designs and are well regarded as a desirable, if not indispensable, feature for multistage interconnection networks. These schemes use the destination address as a routing tag to set up a routing path, and a switch of the network needs to examine only one digit if the tag to determine which output link of the switch to use for routing. Thus no computation is necessary to generate routing tags, and routing can be totally transparent to the source. Augmented Data Manipulator (ADM) networks have been shown to perform many useful data manipulating functions and have been considered for implementation in PArtitionable SIMD/MIMD (PASM) and other multiprocessor programs. However, in spite of past efforts in studying their properties, routing in ADM networks has required complicated distance routing schemes. We have succeeded in improving routing schemes for ADM networks by deriving destination tag routing algorithms for one-to-one routing in the MIMD environment and for permutation routing in the SIMD environment. Because in ADM networks there exist multiple paths between most source/destination pairs, for most cases it is possible to find an alternate path to do rerouting when a routing path is blocked. Rerouting algorithms are also derived for the IADM network. These results have clear advantages over past algorithms in that our algorithms achieve order-of-magnitude reduction in time complexity and can deal with fault patterns in ADM networks that cannot be dealt with by past algorithms. Moreover, the understanding gained from the study of ADM networks can be generalized beyond ADM networks and leads to a systematic construction of networks, unique-path and fault-tolerant, that can be controlled by destination tag routing. When applied to some existing networks, our methods can improve their fault-tolerance capability by designing fault-tolerant topologies for them that preserve the destination tag routing.
Fortes, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Electrical engineering
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