Components of stepfamily satisfaction: An empirical study

Barbara Ann Riggs, Purdue University


The number of stepfamilies continues to rise each year with one estimate suggesting that by 1990 one out of seven children will live in a stepfamily. Despite their growing numbers, stepfamilies continue to be viewed from a deficit model. The importance of family strengths in healthy family functioning is evident in the literature on intact families, yet there are few references to family strengths in stepfamilies. The purpose of this research was to test some of the propositions generated by a theory of step family satisfaction and stability. This theory explains the impact of a variety of family strengths on satisfaction and stability and suggests several punctuation points for intervention. A nonprobability sample of twenty eight stepfamily couples with children under the age of eighteen from the greater metropolitan area of a major midwestern city comprised the sample. Stepfamily names were obtained on a referral basis and questionnaires were then sent to these families and were then returned by mail to the investigator. Standard multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between stepfamily satisfaction and commitment, shared faith, tangible assistance, emotional support, companionship and the balance between adaptability and cohesion. The greatest predictor of family satisfaction was the balance between adaptability and cohesion. Family commitment and companionship were also found to be significant predictors of family satisfaction. The other three variables, shared faith, tangible assistance and emotional support, while not achieving significance, did increase the amount of variance in family satisfaction slightly. Directions for future research and applications for interventions were discussed.




Figley, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology

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