Inclusive central jet production at sqrt.s = 1.8 TeV
Jet production at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV has been measured in the CDF detector at the Tevatron pp Collider. Jets with transverse energies of more than 200 GeV have been observed, and with a fall in cross section of about five orders of magnitude from 30 GeV to 200 GeV $E\sb{t}$, the observed jets provide a good testing ground for QCD. The CDF detector is a multi-purpose detector, with nearly 4$\pi$ coverage of electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry. The inclusive jet $E\sb{t}$ production cross section was measured in the central scintillator-based calorimetry. In addition to calorimetry, the CDF detector has a central drift chamber and solenoid magnet to measure charged particle momenta, as well as a set of vertex time projection chambers to determine the event vertex position. Also, two sets of small angle scintillator counters, one on each side of the detector, provide the luminosity measurement. These detector components and their readout are described. From offline analysis of the data from these detector components, background cuts, the luminosity, the fiducial region, and the acceptance corrections have been determined, and a jet $E\sb{t}$ spectrum was determined. Corrections to this spectrum for energy losses in the calorimetry, and smearing of the spectrum due to resolution effects are determined from Monte Carlo studies. With the corrections, the final inclusive jet production cross section $d\sigma/dE\sb{t}$ was determined, and comparisons with QCD calculations were made. Comparisons with CERN pp Collider were also made, and show the characteristics of approximate $x\sb{t}$ = 2p$\sb{t}/\sqrt{s}$ scaling and QCD effects.
Garfinkel, Purdue University.
Subject Area
Particle physics
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