"Optimal space-time fuel distribution for the LWR" by Hae Ryong Hwang

Optimal space-time fuel distribution for the LWR

Hae Ryong Hwang, Purdue University


Numerical solutions to the space-time minimum fuel loading problem for the LWR are developed using a one-dimensional variational nodal method to describe a cylindrical core. The system equations and constraints are discretized and the resulting optimization problem is solved using the successive linear programming method. The minimum fuel loading problem is also solved analytically for a homogeneous medium using the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin. The optimum numerical power shapes agree with the optimum analytic solution to the one-dimensional homogeneous core problem for only a limited set of constraining conditions. In general, reducing the maximum power peaking or the number of fuel regions in the numerical problem changes the optimum power shape from the center peaked predicted analytically to an outer peaked, inner depressed power shape. The time dependent problem is addressed using the same core model and optimization algorithm with the objective of minimum fuel poison control. The core is depleted from the optimum final state to an initial state determined by the maximum permissible control. The numerical solutions are used to formulate a consistent theory of LWR fuel management for minimum core fuel loading.




Downar, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Nuclear physics

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