The development and implementation of a course in self-care practice using the Guided Design instructional format

Susan Marie Pawlak, Purdue University


The objectives of this research were to (1) develop an undergraduate self-care course using Guided Design, (2) to evaluate the effectiveness of Guided Design for the systematic development of decision-making skills and learning of content by students, and (3) to investigate the cost effectiveness of the Guided Design instructional format. A total of 16 scenario-exercises were developed and content validated for inclusion in a two credit-hour course. The course, "Self-Care Practice Problems," was implemented with 30 fourth-year pharmacy students in January, 1987. Each student was randomly assigned to work with four other students on course exercises. Student entry knowledge of course content and confidence in the knowledge were measured on a pretest. Throughout the semester, students mastered the content and behaviors specified in the course objectives and increased knowledge and confidence levels over entry levels. A fifth-week evaluative questionnaire, a Small Group Instructional Diagnosis performed at mid-semester, and a Course and Instructor Appraisal administered at termination of the course demonstrated positive student attitudes towards the course format, the opportunities for interaction, and the evaluation of differing viewpoints among group members. Other schools of pharmacy in the United States were surveyed to obtain data for comparison regarding the type of instruction in the content areas included in this experimental course, as well as the time spent preparing the instructional materials for the units. This educational strategy holds potential for use in other courses throughout the pharmacy curriculum which have the development of problem-solving skills as an objective.




Popovich, Purdue University.

Subject Area

Pharmaceuticals|Health education

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