A discrete-time model describing intracranial pressure (ICP) dynamics is developed in order to utilize recursive least squares parameter estimation. The model is then extended to include a drug input, in order to assess the dynamics of ICP under the influence of the drug, mannitol. Each of these models are tested experimentally in the dog. An automatic control scheme is proposed which will automatically regulate the amount of mannitol needed to maintain a desired level of ICP. This scheme is tested in simulation. The model without the drug input term and the recursive least squares parameter estimation are then utilized in the analysis of clinically recorded ICP waves. Using these parameter estimates, the mean ICP and normalized cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) absorption resistance can be determined at each sampling instance. Analysis of ICP waves show a CSF absorption resistance increase during the wave followed by a return of the resistance to its baseline value. Investigation of the effects of a changing dural venous sinus pressure and CSF formation rate are examined in simulation with computer-generated plateau waves. The generation of the waves by altering these parameters demonstrate that plateau waves can be caused by partial venous occlusion, which results in a sudden increase in the dural venous sinus pressure and the CSF absorption resistance.
Subject Area
Electrical engineering
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